Thursday, September 30, 2010

Answers to your Smeil

For Warrior 2010
I cannot wrap myself around what this all has become. I am saddened to know that a few unhappy parents have caused enough havoc to tear down such a staple person in this community. What is most interesting to me is the concern about “profits” and fundraising. Let’s all remember that in order to put on a fantastic event you MUST spend money. Let’s also remember that drill team competitions in their entirety are VERY expensive. I wish that people who actually were directly involved with this organization would stand up and defend the woman who has shaped so many lives… For families to uproot their lives and allow their children to participate in such a “horrible” organization is beyond me… TAKE YOUR DAUGHTERS OUT and move on – But, why ruin the lives of so many others that are happy with where they are at.
EVERY organization must fundraise… This is a BIG organization so the funding must be larger as well… Drill team competitions are very expensive… You must fundraise…. Before TKB really started generating enough funds to cover expenses, parents were offered a payment plan to cover competition costs. You don’t HAVE to pay a minimum out of pocket if you actually do the work. There are years and years of drill team treasures that were in the “know”… who were not officer parents and had nothing to lose besides their children’s support if they “turned this in”… They worked for banks, ran numerous audits of their own and kept the books in great condition. (Which set of books would that be?  I understand there were two sets) Why all of the sudden has this occurred? I have tried to put myself in your shoes for the past months understanding WHY you may be doing this – See I once was on the “inside” as well… I saw the way things ran and helped decisions be made, and NO, I cannot understand why this has been done.
DJ Jaynes shaped more lives (Into either the who’s who crowd or the nobody crowd) than you could ever imagine. She is recognized around the state for her outstanding program (teaching one to compete against yourself and cheat to win, that drill team is more important than academics, how to have and hold hidden agendas) and those who know her are honored to call her a friend.  (And those who know her well call her backstabber) She is more than just a dance team director… She is a mentor, a shoulder to lean on and one of the most valuable resources to very many. (If you are one of the favorites and your mom and dad suck up)  She is in no way shape or form doing this for the money… We all know that drill team directors at most schools make way more than she does (STARTING OFF). She does this for the KIDS…(She uses the kids to glorify her own reputation when she isn’t even the one who teaches, just throws tantrums and yells) She offers a program to the children of this community that keep them busy, teach them lessons and actually prepare them for life outside of Victoria, TX. She is committed to this community and bettering it as a whole. (I’m Sure that was the reason the doctor ran for school board)
The rumors are insane and it sickens me to see these awful things circulating… PLEASE – Victoria Advocate, if you are going to run stories like this… Interview both sides – How sad for this community and the past 32 years of wonderful dancers and their families that she truly had an impact on. HOW SAD.

Yes Advocate, How about you interview Mrs. Jaynes and lets see what she has to say for herself

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